Friday, January 2, 2009

And so it begins...

It is with great joy (or is it fear?) that I write see, our sweet, little Caroline has FINALLY learned how to crawl. For the past 2 months, little Caroline has been moving around in a fashion similar to that of a worm. But no longer. No, our little ladybug has figured out how to move her arms and legs together so as to create one flowing movement. Hooray, Caroline!!! I must say, both Mark and I have had our moments of concern that she would never figure it out and we'd have an 8 year old inch worm on our hands. I jest, I jest. We were never that concerned....just curious.

Her dear brother, John Mark, is most upset about this new development as his annoying little sister is now able to reach whatever he's playing with in record time. He is of course already displaying signs of genius in evading her progress. For example, yesterday Caroline reached his Little People Garage as he was playing with it. In his surge of anger, he pulled the garage away from her not realizing she was still holding on (or maybe he did know). She flew into the air and then proceeded to fall off onto the floor. JM got a look on his face that basically said, "Yeah, that'll teach you to play with my toys." However, the look on her face was something along the lines of, "Hey, that was fun!!! Do it again!!! Do it again!!!"

And so begins a new stage in our will never be the same again.

Good day.

1 comment:

applesofgold said...

Hey Rachel! Good to see you blogging...I got the blog addy from your facebook. Check my blog out sometime..I spend entirely too much time on it, but it keeps me out of trouble. I have a separate one with family pics on it, and I can send you an invite to that one too if you like. It's been great getting to "see" you again on facebook!

Jenny Avery Wilson