Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Monster and a Diva

You read it right! That's what we have on our hands now. A 2 year old Monster and a 9 month old Diva. Could our lives be any crazier? Wait, don't answer that.

So, JM has taken to air-punching people, things, dogs, and cartoon characters. Why just the other day he was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (wait, my kids watch t.v.? Nope, you must have read that wrong!) and he said, "Hit Minnie!" He proceeded to walk up to the t.v. and air punch Minnie. Um, what? What could Minnie have possibly done to JM to make him want to hit her? I mean, sure, Minnie IS annoying but is he old enough to get that? Maybe he is? I mean, my child IS gifted after all! :-)

Caroline and her diva-like tendencies seem to grow with each passing day. In the past week I've had three people tell me that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hmmmm....don't know how to take that one. Am I really a diva? Wait, don't answer that one either. Queen Caroline HATES having a poopy diaper. In fact, she cries while in the process just so that we are aware that she will require a diaper change very shortly. She also refuses to sit and play by herself. She enjoys being held, being held, and being held. I am proud to say that she already shows a fondness for shows and jewelry so that makes up for everything said above. :-)

The Monster and Diva will be going to bed soon so I really must go. I'll be sure to post again soon as we are planning to begin Potty Bootcamp for the Monster. Fun times!!!

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